Airworthiness Legislation
This course is designed to provide a detail knowledge on CAR-84, ANO, Airworthiness notices including SB, AD Modifications, Technical notices and related matters to the participant and specifically to meet the CAAB and ICAO requirements. This will enable the participants to understand the CAAB and ICAO requirements late down in the CAR -84 & ICAO annexes. This course is a prerequisite for appearing in LWTR examination conducted by CAAB.
Course Duration: 03 week (90 hours)
Human Performance and Limitations
This course is designed to provide comprehensive knowledge on Human Factors and Human Limitation in work place. This course is designed as per the requirement of CAAB and ICAO to fulfill the requirement for obtaining LWTR on any subject.
Course Duration: 01 week (30 Hours)
Airworthiness Legislation Refresher
This course is designed to provide a comprehensive knowledge on CAR-84, ANO, Airworthiness notices including SB, ADs, Modifications, Technical notices and related matters to the participant and specifically to meet the CAAB and ICAO requirements. This will enable the participants to understand the CAAB and ICAO requirements late down in the CAR -84 & ICAO annexes. This course is a requirement for the renewal of AME License.
Course duration: 01 Week
Human Performance and Limitations Refresher
This course is designed to provide comprehensive knowledge on Human Factors and Human Limitation in work place. This course is designed as per the requirement of CAAB and ICAO to fulfill the requirement for trained engineering personnel’s License renewal.
Course Duration: 18 Hours